Wednesday, May 13, 2015

"Men Only" - Women excluded from meeting on curriculum for Islamic studies at Cambridge Muslim college.

"Men Only" - Women excluded from meeting on curriculum for Islamic studies at Cambridge Muslim college. (Orbala).

On May 2-3, 2015, a “diverse group of contemporary Muslim educators” held a meeting at Cambridge Muslim College to discuss a contemporary curriculum for the Islamic Sciences and the future of the madrasa, the Islamic institution of learning.

According to the individual who shared information and photos about this event on Facebook (and it’s been circulated widely now), “The goal of the meeting was to reflect on the curriculum of the traditional madrasa in light of the diverse contemporary educational experiences of the participants.”

According to the event’s website, “The participants each gave presentations on how the teaching of the Islamic sciences could be improved to respond to modern challenges.”

As happens with most initiatives like this, no women were present at the meeting.

Because what could women possibly have to say about education and learning? Or about Islam? Or about the current status or future of Islamic institutions? Or about modern challenges to the teaching of Islamic sciences?

I wouldn’t know anything about that; I’m just a woman with no opinion, no experience, no knowledge, no concerns regarding education, Islamic or otherwise but particularly about Islamic institutions.

Hmmmm......Obama: "Indeed, you know that the Koran teaches, 'Be it man or woman, each of you is equal to the other,'" Yeah sure.... Read the full story here.

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