Sunday, June 7, 2015

Former U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman Says Next U.S. President Will be Closer to Israel.

Former U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman Says Next President Will be Closer to Israel. (Matzav).

Former U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman, in an interview with JTA, surmised that the next U.S. administration would be friendlier with Israel than the current one, the Forward reports.

The onetime vice presidential candidate also expressed concern over America’s nuclear negotiations with Iran, saying they are “going in a bad direction,” and urged Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu to embrace the long-shelved Arab Peace Initiative.

“I think there will be a friend of Israel in the White House,” he said, noting that both Clinton and the leading Republican candidates all have pro-Israel records.

“It will be a new beginning, a new opportunity. Is it going to be better than it has been under President Obama? Probably, yeah.”

He said being “on the offensive” in the peace process could help improve Israel’s relations with the Obama administration.

“That’s something the prime minister has to deal with and try to resolve,” Lieberman said. “It seems to me that no Israeli government should ever be in a position where other people in the world think it’s not seeking a just peace with the Palestinians, no matter how hard it would be practically to achieve that.”  Hmmm....Unless they resurrect Arafat and elect him as next US President it's a given the next pres will be better than Hussein Obama.

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