Thursday, June 11, 2015

Nuclear Negotiations At An Impasse: Khamenei Rejects Agreement Reached On Token Inspection Of Military Sites And Questioning Of Scientists.

Nuclear Negotiations At An Impasse: Khamenei Rejects Agreement Reached On Token Inspection Of Military Sites And Questioning Of Scientists. (Memri). By: A. Savyon and Y. Carmon*

This past week, members of Iran's nuclear negotiating team revealed details about the Iran-U.S. nuclear negotiations.

The negotiations were dealt a blow when Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei rejected an agreement reached by the two sides concerning a token inspection of military facilities and questioning of several nuclear scientists and "military personnel"; these were to be the response to the IAEA's open dossier on possible military dimensions (PMD) of Iran's nuclear program to which Iran has so far refused to respond.

Iranian reports on these developments show that in order to arrive at a comprehensive agreement, the U.S. is willing to forgo actual inspection of Iranian military facilities and to settle for inspection of declared nuclear facilities only, as set forth under the Additional Protocol, while the ongoing monitoring of Iran's nuclear program will be left to intelligence elements.[1]

Thus, at this stage, there is a deadlock: Iran is refusing both to respond to the IAEA dossier on its PMD, and to allow actual inspection of facilities that are not declared nuclear facilities.

Furthermore, the EU has announced its objections to a comprehensive agreement with Iran in the absence of satisfactory answers from it regarding the IAEA dossier on its PMD.

It said that the IAEA investigation of the PMD "will be essential" to a nuclear deal.[2] IAEA Director-General Yukio Amano has also linked the investigation of Iranian PMD to the attainment of such an agreement.

U.S. (Obama 'Admin') Willingness To Disregard IAEA PMD Dossier.

Statements by negotiating team member Hamid Baidinejad show that in return for willingness on Iran's part to sign a comprehensive agreement, the U.S. was willing to forgo actual investigation of the IAEA's open PMD dossier on Iran and instead to conduct a token inspection of military sites and questioning of Iranian nuclear scientists and military personnel. 

The U.S. asked Iran to carry out a number of specific steps, thereby paving the way to a comprehensive solution for this issue. These steps included inspections at several points in Iran, including two military facilities, and questioning several senior military officials and scientists (see Appendix II).

Iranian Negotiators' Two Versions Of Events
An analysis of these statements by the Iranian negotiators shows that there are two different versions of what took place in the negotiations. According to Araghchi, the Iranian team agreed to the U.S.'s demand for a token inspection, but when the team returned to Tehran, Khamenei completely rejected this token inspection. Aragchi's disclosure that the Iranian negotiators had arrived at an agreement with the Americans that was subsequently rejected by Khamenei caused an uproar in the Iranian political system, triggering harsh criticism against both the negotiators and the leaders of the pragmatic camp, and even leading to a public confrontation between Khamenei and pragmatic camp leader Hashemi Rafsanjani.[5]

The second version of events emerged after the uproar sparked by Aragchi's revelations. Another negotiator, Baidinejad, in an attempt to correct Araghchi's claim, stated that the Iranian negotiators had rejected the U.S. demands, even the demand for token inspection, but that the Americans had pressed them to present the demand to Khamenei anyway; when they did so, at the Americans' urging, Khamenei rejected it outright.


Iran's reneging on its consent to the U.S. demand for token inspections of its military facilities and questioning of some of its scientists and military personnel in exchange for the closing of the IAEA's PMD dossier on it places President Obama in a difficult situation, and brings the negotiations to an impasse.

This is because along with Khamenei's rejection, the EU and the IAEA director-general both oppose closing Iran's dossier in order to arrive at a comprehensive agreement.

It was apparently under these circumstances that CIA director John Brennan was secretly dispatched in early June to Israel, in order to persuade Israel, and, via Israel, the EU, that intelligence monitoring of any Iranian PMD was a satisfactory solution and that actual investigation of the PMD, which Khamenei rejected, could be waived. To this end, Brennan also underlined,on May 31, 2015 on CBS's Face the Nation, the close U.S.-Israel security cooperation.[6]

Related:  Iran: "You know that nuclear triggering technology we worked on....Lets just fugetaboutit, those are bygones."

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