Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Obama 'admin' To release Nine sanctions-related Iranian prisoners?

Obama 'admin' To release Nine sanctions-related Iranian prisoners? (Taz).

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham has said thirteen Iranians, who had been imprisoned on charges related to the sanctions, have been freed.

Referring to nine Iranians, who are jailed in U.S. prisons, she said that the consulate department of the Iranian Foreign Ministry is following up the case, Iran ’s Fars news agency reported June 10.
“Arresting the persons was illegal and was based on void convictions. It is hoped that they would be freed as soon as possible.”

Elsewhere in her remarks and in reference to the country’s nuclear program, Afkham said that Iranian negotiators are making every effort to put an end to the issue of monitoring possible military dimensions (PMD) of the nuclear program. (a.k.a. Fugetaboutit ).

She also said that the implementation of the Additional Protocol would be dependent upon the parliament’s approval. The administration acts in full harmony with the parliament in this regard, she stressed.

Behrouz Kamalvandi, the spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said on June 9 that the issue of possible military dimensions is not a legal issue. It is a political issue.

In general, Iran ’s peaceful nuclear activities have been politicized, he added.

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