Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The ultimate 'surrender' - Kerry: 'Iran doesn't have to account for past nuclear weapons research'

The ultimate 'surrender' - Kerry: 'Iran doesn't have to account for past nuclear weapons research'. (Politico).

Secretary of State John Kerry made a surprise appearance at the State Department’s daily press briefing on Tuesday, though not exactly in person.

The 71-year-old diplomat, who suffered a broken leg two weeks ago, appeared on a television screen remotely from Boston. He introduced the department’s new spokesman, John Kirby, on what was Kirby’s first day at the podium, but Kerry also tackled questions from reporters about the Iran nuclear talks, Syria and other hot issues. Story Continued Below

Kerry suggested that Iran would not have to fully account for any past atomic weapons research as part of reaching a nuclear deal, affirming earlier reports that the U.S. wouldn’t make that a condition.

The U.S. has for years pressed Iran to come clean about the “possible military dimensions” of its nuclear program, while Iran insists the program is entirely peaceful.

The possible military dimensions, frankly, gets distorted a little bit in some of the discussion, in that we’re not fixated on Iran specifically accounting for what they did at one point in time or another,” Kerry said.

“We know what they did. We have no doubt. We have absolute knowledge with respect to the certain military activities they were engaged in. What we’re concerned about is going forward. It’s critical to us to know that going forward, those activities have been stopped, and that we can account for that in a legitimate way.Hmmm......Now you have a U.S. sec of state parroting Iran's leadership, just when EU leadership gets tough on Iran....can it get any more clearer? Read the full story here.  More on the Obama 'Admin' Surrender here.

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