Sunday, June 7, 2015

Video - Syrian Professor Abd Al-Salam Rajeh: The Holocaust Is an "Imaginary Issue"

In a May 18 interview on the Lebanese Mayadeen TV channel, Syrian Professor Abd Al-Salam Rajeh said that the Holocaust was an "imaginary issue," used by "Zionist gangs" to gain sympathy from the world. "Where did that figure come from - all the millions who were burned, according to the Holocaust narrative?" said Rajeh.

Following is an excerpt:

Abd Al-Salam Rajeh: With regard to the Holocaust, to this day, the Zionist gangs and the Zionist entity drain [Germany] and insist on apologies and sympathy from the whole world, based on an imaginary issue, as has been proven by research. One of the people who wrote about this is Roger Garaudy, who wrote The Founding Myths of the Zionist Establishment [sic], indicating that the Holocaust was a lie.

Just one small example: [The Jews] say that millions were burned in the Holocaust during the days of Hitler. Based on statistics, Garaudy said in his book that the total number of Jews in Europe at that time did not exceed 450,000. So where did that figure come from – all the millions who were burned, according to the Holocaust narrative?

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