Friday, June 12, 2015

Why is the Obama 'Admin' parroting the Iranians their nuclear proposals?

Why is the Obama 'Admin' parroting the Iranians their nuclear proposals?  (Taz) (Jpost).

1.June 09 : Iran: "You know that nuclear triggering technology we worked on....Lets just fugetaboutit, those are bygones." (Taz).

After 12 years of cooperation with IAEA, past issues related to Iran ’s nuclear case should be abandoned, Behrouz Kamalvandi, the spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said.

We have always said that just countries which have signed the Additional Protocol are responsible for issues related to that,” Kamalvandi said in an interview with IRIB June 9.

“We have not signed the Additional Protocol and do not implement it at present. So, Amano should not comment in this regard,” he said.

On June 8, Yukiya Amano, the director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said United Nations inspectors must be permitted access to suspect Iranian sites, including possible military ones, for “years and years” to restore confidence in the peaceful nature of its nuclear program.

Amano said it would take years for the UN’s atomic agency to come to a final broader conclusion that Iran’s nuclear program is fully peaceful.

The issue of possible military dimensions (PMD) is not a legal issue. It is a political issue. In general, Iran ’s peaceful nuclear activities have been politicized,” Kamalvandi added.

Access to military sites and nuclear scientists are within the PMD (possible military dimensions) framework, which the Western powers claim Iran must have in its nuclear program, thus demanding Iran grant access to its military sites as a trust-building move.

Iran and the P5+1 (the US, UK, France, Russia, China, and Germany) reached a mutual understanding on Tehran ’s nuclear program in the Swiss city of Lausanne on April 2. The parties have agreed to finalize a comprehensive deal on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program by the end of June. Hmmmm.....I Guess the EU And IAEA pushing for answers must be behind this 'move'.

08 June: 
The European Union is telling the Iranian regime to cooperate with a stalled U.N. probe of suspicions that it worked on atomic arms if it wants a nuclear deal that will see removal of sanctions.

The Associated Press has obtained a copy of EU statement ahead of its delivery Monday at a meeting of the U.N’s International Atomic Energy Agency.

The EU statement comes ahead of a June 30 deadline for an agreement.

The EU statement says getting to the bottom of the probe “will be essential” to a nuclear deal. In its last report of 29 May 2015, IAEA declared Iranian regime’s lack of cooperation with the investigations into the possible military dimension (PMD) of Iran’s nuclear activities that have reached an stalemate.

3. Report: CIA head was in Israel to argue for closure of IAEA nuclear probe of Iran

John Brennan likely told Israeli officials that intelligence monitoring is sufficient to track possible military dimensions of Tehran's program, according to MEMRI report. Hmmmm.....Why does the CIA (Obama Admin) don't want the EU And IAEA push for clarity on the Iranians their Military research on Nuclear weapons?

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