Friday, October 9, 2015

Bavaria's PM Horst Seehofer is threatening Chancellor Merkel with "self-defense" against refugees.

Bavaria's PM Horst Seehofer is threatening Chancellor Merkel with "self-defense" against refugees.(Sueddeutsche). [GoogleTranslated].

  • Bavaria's Prime Minister Horst Seehofer is threatening the Chancellor with "self-defense" against refugees.
  • In criminal law, self-defense is something ordinary - in politics is not.

  • State of emergency, state of self-defense: This is a threat with funds that come from the thought structure of the absolute state.

Horst Seehofer speaks of "self-defense". Bavaria's Prime Minister says not exactly what he means. He whispered. The CSU leader does not threaten the refugees, as do right-wing extremists; rather it threatens the chancellor, he announced an "effective self-defense" in Bavaria against the further admission of refugees to.

In criminal law, such a self-defense is something ordinary: Someone who is attacked by force, must defend themselves against this violence. That's allowed defense, which is legal. In politics, it is different. Since the concept of self-defense always signaled that a politician wants to do something that really is not absolutely lawful - but he himself considers it necessary.
Most recently, the Union has earlier 23 years ago resorted to self-defense and emergency vocabulary - even then related to refugees
Back then, in the autumn of 1992, spoke Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl (CDU) of a "state of emergency". He did this in the face of the then rising numbers of refugees (then lower numbers than today): The "mass immigration" of asylum seekers, he said, had led to intolerable conditions in the communities that he could and would therefore not see how the situation will become unbearable and the state unable to act.

Therefore Kohl announced, if necessary even without the approval of the SPD restricting the fundamental right of asylum, ie without the required for under the Basic Law two-thirds majority - with only a simple majority of its government.

Edmund Stoiber (CSU), Bavarian Minister of the Interior at the time, which also called for. Such asylum-emergency legislation would have been the open violation of the constitution. Hmmmm..........'Refugeees....No longer welcome it seems. Read the full story here.

Related: Outcry of a young German policewoman - 'Male Muslims have no respect for female cops or Authority'.

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