Sunday, November 15, 2015

French Gov. to cut Qatari And Saudi funding of mosques in crackdown on Islamic fundamentalism.

French Gov. to cut Qatari And Saudi funding of mosques in crackdown on Islamic fundamentalism.(RFI).

The French government has announced a series of measures to clamp down on radical Islam being spread in mosques, and wants to cut financial support from countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Critics warn that before it does, it first needs to revise its 1905 law separating Church and State which discriminates against Muslims.

"If foreign countries are stepping in to fund mosques, it's because the French government won't" Karim Bouamrane, a socialist candidate in next month's local elections, told RFI on Saturday.

Bouamrane was reacting to plans by the French government to launch a cultural offensive against Salafist movements, held responsible for brainwashing the country's young Muslims.

These movements are accused of spreading islamic fundamentalism in mosques, with the financial backing and complicity of countries like Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

The place of Islam in French society is a hot button topic, and has been revived recently in the wake of the January 7 terror attacks.

Across the political spectrum, all the mainstream parties are mulling over how best to tackle the issue of Islam, without being accused of being divisive or acting out of political gain.

Speaking at a debate on Saturday, Mohammed Henniche, president of the Union of Muslim Associations in Seine Saint-Denis, a region northeast of Paris, said the best way to tackle radical Islam was to tackle islamophobia. Hmmm.....They better add Islamist MB member Turkey to the list. Read the full story here.

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