Saturday, November 14, 2015

Iran discloses range of recently tested Emad ballistic missile.

Iran discloses range of recently tested Emad ballistic missile. (Taz).

Iran has unveiled the range of its newly tested ballistic missile, which raised disputes about possible violations of UN Security Council resolutions.

General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force, announced that the range of the Emad ballistic missile, which was successfully test-fired in mid-October, reaches 1700 kilometers, the semi-official Fars news agency reported Nov. 14.

The Emad is the latest generation of Iran’s long-range ground-to-ground ballistic missiles, capable of adding guidance and control technologies to assure intended targets are struck, according to the Iranian officials.

The missile’s engine operates on liquid fuel. Although the Islamic Republic insists on calling Emad a long-range missile, it is labeled an intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) in the United States.

Following the missile test, the US Department of State said it would refer the issue to the United Nations Security Council for review to determine whether the test violated UN Security Council resolution 1929.

Resolution 1929 prohibits Iran from testing and developing ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, however, Iran has never considered itself bound by Resolution 1929, because it considers UN sanctions illegal and based on false allegations regarding its nuclear program.  Hmmmm.......LOL, I had this last month already: Iran tests new precision-guided ballistic missile Emad would have a range of 1,700 km (1,060 miles).  

More on the missile capability of Iran can be read here and here.

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