Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Iranian Pres Rouhani warns: Turkey’s downing Russian warplane “Highly dangerous”.

Iranian Pres Rouhani warns: Turkey’s downing Russian warplane “very dangerous”. (Taz).

Iranian president Hassan Rouhani called on Turkish and Russian officials to show restraint after Turkey shot down a Russian Su-24 bomber over its airspace.

Rouhani urged the two parties to eliminate the tension with prudence, Iranian state IRINN TV reported Nov. 25.

Saying that Russia and Turkey are both friendly countries to Iran, Rouhani noted that it is of utmost importance to the Islamic Republic that its neighbors maintain good relations with one another.

Maintaining stability and security in the region, is an essential requirement in the current circumstances, he said, adding it is in favor of all the countries in the region.

Rouhani also claimed that Turkey targeted the Russian Su-24 warplane out of its airspace.
Based on the intelligence we have obtained so far, the Russian plane was in the Syrian airspace when it was targeted,” he said. “Even assuming that the [Russian] plane approached Turkey’s airspace, missiles and planes are not toys that someone could just easily decide to use.”
He further said Turkey’s move was ‘highly dangerous.”

Rouhani noted that responsibility of such “provocative actions” and their consequences will legally fall on the shoulders of the one who has started them.

He further asked Turkey to be careful, as the situation is very sensitive.

Meanwhile Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Jaber Ansari said earlier in day that any act that flouts a common will in fighting terrorism in Syria will further complicate the crisis in the country, referring to the incident.

Such moves will act as hints to terrorists, indicating that they can commit more terrorist acts around the world.Hmmmm......With loose canon Erdo around WWIII is possible anytime.

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