Monday, November 23, 2015

Iran's supreme leader Khamenei accuses (again) the US of helping IS in Iraq.

Iran's supreme leader Khamenei accuses (again) the US of helping IS in Iraq. (TAZ).

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has accused the US of assisting the IS in Iraq.
America directly assisted Daesh (the IS) in Iraq, Fars news agency quoted him as saying in a meeting with Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari Nov. 23.

Heading a high-ranking delegation, Muhammadu Buhari, arrived in Tehran Nov. 23 to attend the third summit of the leaders the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF).

The Supreme Leader added that the US-led collision for fight against terrorism is not reliable and accused “the US of creating and supporting” terrorist groups such as the IS.

Urging for expansion of bilateral ties with Nigeria, Khamenei called on the Islamic countries to collaborate in fight against terrorism.

The four-day meeting of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum kicked off on Nov.20 in Tehran and the third summit of the leaders of the GECF member states is to be held in the evening of the Nov.23 with participation of nine heads of state.

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