Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Democratic Syria Assembly to be comprised of 42 people.

Democratic Syria Assembly to be comprised of 42 people. HT: ANF.

Participants of the Democratic Syria Congress seeking a resolution to the crisis in Syria have determined that Democratic Syrian Assembly will be comprised of 42 people.

Democratic Syria Congress seeking a resolution to the crisis in Syria continues in Dêrîk city in its second day. The congress is being held under the slogan “Towards building of a free and democratic Syria”, and participated by 103 delegates representing Syrian political, military and societal opposition organisations.
Following the decision to establish Democratic Syrian Assembly to serve as the political representative in Syria of Syrian Democratic Forces (QSD), participants have determined that the Assembly will be comprised of 42 people to operate in the coming period.
According to the initial reports received from the congress which continues closed to the press, the Assembly will involve;

- 13 members from Democratic Autonomous Administration,
- 1 member from Arab tribes,
- 1 member from Kurdish tribes,
- 3 members from the Political Consultation Board of Political Parties,
- 2 members from the Wheat Wave Movement (Teyar El-Qemih)
- 1 member from the Honor and Rights Agreement Community,
- 1 member from the Syrian National Democratic Consensus Committee,
- 1 member from the Shehba Regional Assembly,
- 1 member from each one of Turkmen, Assyrian, Arab, Syriac and Êzîdî peoples,
- 1 member from the youth,
- 1 member from the Syrian Democratic Modernity Party,
- 1 member from the Socialist Democratic Baath Party,
- 1 member from Jabal Arab,
- 1 member from Syrian National Mass,
- 5 members from the independent (to be elected by themselves).

A press conference on Democratic Syria Congress is expected to take place in the coming hours.

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