Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Obama's new BFF Iran can develop missiles capable of threatening US, Europe.

Obama's new BFF Iran can develop missiles capable of threatening US, Europe. (Taz).

Iran is capable of eventually developing long-range missiles capable of threatening Europe and the United States, although it has denied any interest in doing so, Greg Thielmann, Arms Control Association Senior Fellow and Director of ACA's Realistic Threat Assessment and Response Project told Trend Dec. 9.

Most experts outside the US government seem to think Iran would not be able to deploy such weapons until the 2020s, he said, adding the official US projections have been more alarmist, until this year when Admiral Bill Gortney, head of the Northern Command, wrote to Congress that Iran was not likely to have an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) "until later in the decade, at the earliest."

Thielmann further commented on Iran’s missile threats against Tel Aviv, saying Israel is vulnerable to both medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBM) based in Iran and the thousands of rockets based in Lebanon.

These weapons carry conventional warheads. Any future nuclear-tipped missile attack on Israel would be likely to provoke nuclear retaliation.

Commenting on the disputes over Iran's recent ballistic missile test, which allegedly took place Nov. 21, the expert said that it violates the UN Security Council Resolution 1929.

UN Security Council Resolution 1929 (from 2010) is still applicable until UNSC 2231 replaces it on "implementation day" for the JCPOA,” he said.

Thielmann explained that in paragraph 9 of UNSC Res. 1929, "(the UN Security Council) decides that Iran shall not undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using ballistic missile technology." Hmmmm........... Nobody said that UNSC 1929  would be replaced? High crimes and misdemeanors while in office.  Read the full story here.

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