Friday, December 11, 2015

Tunesia: "25 terrorists, planning terrorist acts for the new year arrested".

Tunesia: "25 terrorists, planning terrorist acts for the new year arrested". (Tunisienumerique). [GoogleTranslated].

25 terrorists, planning terrorist acts for the new year, were arrested in Sbiba (Kasserine) announced Friday, the Ministry of Interior.

The ministry said in a statement, a group of 25 people headed benefited from the amnesty was put out of harm's way.

According to preliminary information provided by the MI, the group was preparing terrorist acts in conjunction with the year-end holidays. Several tourist resorts, the security institutions as well as civilian gatherings were in the crosshairs of terrorists, said the MI. The group was planning suicide bombings.

Two swords, 350 kg of ammonium nitrate, 100 liters of sulfuric acid and 250 kg of 'Literature' inciting terrorism were seized during the searches. The investigation is still ongoing.

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