Saturday, December 5, 2015

Video - Lebanese Man Takes His ’12-Year-Old Bride’ in Public, Watch How People Reacted.

Video - Lebanese Man Takes His ’12-Year-Old Bride’ in Public, Watch How People Reacted. (Egyptianstreets).

In a renewed attempt to raise awareness about the prevalence of child marriages in Lebanon, nongovernmental organization Kafa (meaning “enough” in Arabic) staged a photoshoot with a middle-aged man and a 12-year-old girl in a wedding dress.

While some passersby did not react and others were visibly disturbed but kept their opinions to themselves, a large number of those who appeared in the video were outraged at the setup.

One woman demanded to know where the young girl’s parents were, exclaiming, “She’s 12! I was jogging but my feet froze when I saw her.”

Another bystander reminded the woman that “the law allows it.”

Child marriages continue to be an issue of great concern in many countries in the region.Read the full story here.

Related: Too young to wed.

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