Monday, December 21, 2015

Video - Syria - Isis Allegedly separating Yazidi girls from their parents for Sex Slavery.

Video - Allegedly Isis separating Yazidi girls from their parents for Sex Slavery unknown location inside Syria

Video footage has surfaced that appears to show Yazidi girls being dragged from their families by masked and heavily-armed Islamic State (Isis) fighters. The footage, which takes place in an unknown apartment building presumably in Daesh-held land in either Syria or Iraq, shows a scrum of Yazidi prisoners and IS gunmen separating women from men. It is feared that the girls are being taken to be sold into sexual slavery by the terrorist group.

The apartment building is surrounded by IS fighters and the group's distinctive flag can be seen hanging from a balcony. There is no information about where or when the video was recorded. Read the full story here.

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