Friday, December 18, 2015

White House Meets With US Muslim Brotherhood Groups, Pres to visit U.S. Mosque?

White House Meets With US Muslim Brotherhood Groups, Pres to visit U.S. Mosque?

US media has reported that the White House has held meetings with US Muslim groups that included groups tied to the US Muslim Brotherhood. According to a Washington Post report:
The White House held three separate meetings Monday with faith leaders to discuss concerns about rising hostility toward religious minorities, and Muslim leaders pressed for President Obama to do something he hasn’t since taking office: Visit a US mosque. Ideally, they said, the visit would be with former president George W. Bush.
The meetings were typical in a way of the ones top White House officials hold all the time to hear people’s concerns, but the crunch of three in one day, and a related meeting there Thursday, shows increased concern about recent reports of hate incidents against Muslims, and Sikhs who people confuse with Muslims. Terrorism incidents in Paris and California have led, Muslim leaders say, to a sharp rise in discriminatory incidents. 
Among the approximately 10 Muslim leaders who came to the White House on Monday to meet with several top officials was Farhana Khera, executive director of Muslim Advocates, a legal advocacy group. The meeting, she said, was called by the White House. According to a White House official, Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett, Director of the Domestic Policy Council Cecilia Muñoz and Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes attended. 
Khera said she pressed the White House to consider something Muslim Americans leaders have requested over the years: A visit to a mosque.
‘I think it would be enormously comforting and also send powerful message to Americans about recommitting to religious freedom — especially if we had Bush and Obama visit together,’ she said. She said her group hadn’t raised the question with Bush, who visited a mosque six days after the Sept. 11 attacks and said ‘The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam.’
 Hmmmm....... 'The meeting, she said, was called by the White House', Yup why not..... perhaps Christmas day? Read the full story here.

Related: When I asked the Reverend Wright about this whole question of Islam and Christianity. He said, well, you know, Barack Obama was steeped in Islam

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