Friday, December 18, 2015

Iran will adopt the Non-Proliferation Treaty voluntarily and temporarily.

Iran will adopt the Non-Proliferation Treaty voluntarily and temporarily.(Taz).

The Islamic Republic of Iran will adopt the Non-Proliferation Treaty voluntarily and temporarily, the country’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said.

Araqchi, who is also director of a staff for implementing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), said Iran will start adopting the NPT in three weeks, after preliminary steps are taken, IRNA news agency reported December 18.

He added the government will continue to implement the NPT voluntarily until the parliament approves of it for permanent adoption.

The diplomat predicted that the parliament will do so in “coming years”.

Araqchi further said that according to the JCPOA, Iran will sell all of its enriched uranium stockpile, except for 300 kilogram, and buy yellow cake in return.

The deal has been sealed with Russia, where nine metric tons of uranium is given to Russia and 140 metric tons of yellow cake is received in return, he noted.

The IAEA's 35-nation Board of Governors decided on December 15 to end its investigation of Iran's past, passing a resolution closing the matter by consensus.   Hmmm......Temporarily?

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