Friday, December 18, 2015

Former Israeli FM Liberman warns against allowing Turkey a ‘foothold’ in Hamas-ruled Gaza.

Former Israeli FM Liberman warns against allowing Turkey a ‘foothold’ in Hamas-ruled Gaza. (TOI).

Liberman, a foreign minister in the previous Netanyahu government and now an opposition lawmaker, criticized the impending agreement.

The agreement has yet to be finalized, but its diplomatic damage is already done,” he charged in a talk at Limmud FSU.

Opportunism is not a substitute for wise, considered policy. Erdogan leads a radical Islamist regime. The Turks trade with Daesh [Islamic State], invaded Iraq against all international rules, and have tense relations with Russia.

We’ve invested in the relationship with Greece and Cyprus in recent years, and this move will hurt those relations. It will also hurt relations with Egypt, because I can’t see Erdogan giving up his demands on Gaza, and any foothold the Turks get in Gaza will be at Egypt’s expense.” Hmmmm.....At least not everyone has lost his mind in Israel. Read the full story here.

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