Friday, December 18, 2015

US lawmakers, analysts warn Trudeau 'admin' Syrian refugee plan puts America at risk.

US lawmakers, analysts warn Trudeau 'admin' Syrian refugee plan puts America at risk. (Fox).

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomed the first big wave of Syrian refugees last Friday, part of the more than 10,000 expected to resettle in Canada by the end of the year.

But with the plan come questions about whether their vetting process is up to the task and whether lax standards north of the border could undermine America's security.

There is a concern with this large volume in such a short period of time that adequate vetting may not be occurring,” Sen. Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, told

“It is an obvious concern that without robust vetting by Canada, these individuals could represent a threat to America given our porous border.”

“The majority of these refugees, all receiving permanent residence, will settle in Toronto and Montreal – cities in close proximity to the U.S. border,” Marguerite Telford from the Center for Immigration Studies, recently wrote. “How many of these refugees will enter the United States to join the 11 million-plus illegal aliens already here? How many will join terrorist sleeper cells, which we are told exist in all 50 states?

“Small tweaks do not alleviate the safety hazards associated with the refugee resettlement program,” Telford said, adding that Canada does not have access to databases in the U.S. that detect criminal background or terrorist links.

A new report from Johnson’s committee calls out Canada’s rushed refugee plan and exposes weaknesses in the system. Hmmm.....Nobody can screen 800 Syrian refugees a day and guarantee all is safe, that's a blatant lie.   Read the full story here.

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