Wednesday, December 2, 2015

'Yes We can' - Congress Backs State-Level Iran Sanctions.

Congress Backs State-Level Iran Sanctions Amid Fierce Debate. (FB)

Members of Congress expressed Tuesday their full support for U.S. states to continue imposing sanctions on Iran due to its support for terrorism, violation of human rights, and other rogue activities, according to a new congressional measure obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

As the Obama administration begins to lift sanctions on Iran under the parameters of the nuclear agreement, the lawmakers are urging state and local governments to keep the pressure on Iran.

The bipartisan measure is backed by key lawmakers in both the House and Senate and maintains that U.S. law authorizes state and local governments to enact sanctions on Iran and those that do business with the Islamic Republic.

The resolution comes amid a debate over whether states have the right to continue imposing sanctions on Iran. The Obama administration has been dismissive of such efforts and has pressured Congress to give up the fight in order to preserve the nuclear agreement.

Iranian officials have maintained that any new U.S. sanctions would be a deal breaker and force the country to walk away from the agreement. Hmmmm......Hope they keep their word. Read the full story here.

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