Sunday, April 24, 2016

Dutch columnist arrested in 'Islamist Dictatorship' Turkey because of Erdogan critical tweets.

Last sentence:
'They whisper i will remain in Custody'

Dutch columnist arrested in 'Islamist' Turkey because of Erdogan critical tweets. (HLN). [GoogleTranslated].


"Ebru Umar, the Dutch columnist of Turkish descent, has been arrested by Turkish police in her house in Kusadasi. She said that herself on Twitter, and later confirmed that to The Post Online by phone.

"It is now clear to me that I have been arrested because of several tweets about president Erdogan", she said to the site. The department of foreign affairs says it knows about the case. The embassy in Ankara has been notified and is working on it.

Umar wrote a critical piece last week in Metro about the call of the Turkish consulate to notify them about Dutch insults to president Erdogan.
She remarked: 'Against any Turkish Dutchman who supports the call by the consulate and wants to play NSBer by telling the Dutch in the Netherlands what to say about Erdogan - the most megalomaniacal dictator the Turkish republic has known since its establishment in 1923 - I'd like to say the following: go fuck yourself!'
Yesterday evening she wrote on Twitter : 'there is now a stool pigeon tel line so go ahead', I'm tired and hot i'm going to bed.
MP Raymond Knops (CDA) nearly immediately responded on Twitter. He wants clarification from Foreign Minister Bert Koenders as fast as possible. MP for the VDD Hans ten Broeke has asked question to parliament"
"I am now behind a locked gate at the police station," Umar tells Metro. "I had to go to the police. At first I had to go to the hospital. That has to prove that you are not mistreated. But apparently there entered something into effect, because I have not been to the hospital. I can at this time really just not thinking clearly. "

" I have been clear by now that I've taken because some tweets about the Turkish President Erdogan, "let the columnist. clearing Dutch politicians seek clarification about the arrest.

Twitter politicians react fiercely, and they call for action. "Keep your Islamofascist paws off our @umarebru  Erdogan, '' Geert Wilders writes (PVV).

CDA MP Raymond Knops wants clarification from Prime Minister Mark Rutte and Minister Bert Koenders of Foreign Affairs He tweets:." Timmermans, Tusk and Merkel visit Turkey, Turkey arrested NL journalist @umarebru at the same time. Want asap explanation MP Rutte / Koenders. 

" Also ask for the Netherlands party for clarification in Rutte and Koenders and calls for" action now "." Come in action @MinPres. Now!

Turkey has approached the Dutch Ambassador in Ankara on statements about the Turkish President Erdogan on social media in the Netherlands. This happened yesterday during the conversation in which the Netherlands objected to the call of the Turkish consulate to report insulting remarks about the Turkish president.

The Turkish authorities pointed to cartoons about President Erdogan on Dutch Facebook page and on Twitter, that would be offensive. Ambassador Van Rij replied that statements on social media in the Netherlands are covered by freedom of expression. Hmmm.....Odds are Great she is the first victim of Erdogan's 'whistle blower' telephone line.


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