Saturday, April 23, 2016

Obama was secretly angling for Khamenei & Rouhani meeting.

Obama secretly begged requested Rouhani meeting — report. (ToI).

U.S. President Barack Obama has recently made personal overtures to Iran’s supreme leader and president, requesting a meeting with the latter, according to an Iranian media report.

According to an April 19report on the Iranian website, which is affiliated with Iran's Green Movement, President Obama asked to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rohani in two secret letters sent in late March to both Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and President Rohani.

According to the report, Obama wrote in the letters that Iran has a limited-time opportunity to cooperate with the U.S. in order to resolve the problems in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, and promised that if Iran agreed to a meeting between him and Rohani, he would be willing to participate in any conference to this end.

The Sahamnews report further stressed that Supreme Leader Khamenei discussed the request with President Rohani, that Rohani said that Iran should accept the request and meet with Obama, and that such a meeting could lead to an end to the crises in the region while increasing Iran's influence in their resolution. Rohani promised Khamenei that any move would be coordinated with him and reported to him. According to the report, Khamenei agreed with Rohani.

The Sahamnews report also emphasized that Khamenei's recent aggressively anti-U.S. speeches were aimed at maintaining an anti-U.S. atmosphere among the Iranian public, whereas in private meetings he expresses a different position.

Hardliners in Tehran argue that Rouhani has been tricked into surrendering control of Iran’s nuclear program without getting much in return.

And in Washington, Obama’s critics claim he plans to allow an unreformed Iran access to US finance despite separate sanctions remaining in place. Hmmm........Obama persona non grata all over the world. Read the full story here.

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