Thursday, April 21, 2016

Terrorist Najim Laachraoui, worked for five years in the Brussels airport, knew security apparatus well.

Najim Laachraoui, worked for five years in the Brussels airport knew security apparatus well. (VTM) [GoogleTranslated].

Najim Laachraoui, one of the two terrorists who blew himself up at Brussels Airport, would have worked for five years at the same airport. That's wath VTM NEWS has learned. The man was working with a temporary contract for a company that operates at the airport. This means he was well-informed about the security at Zaventem.

The police discovered shortly before the attacks a clandestine secret prayer room  in the airport itself where radicalized personnel came together to meet in secret and praying. Although the airport is equipped with special prayer rooms, among them one for Muslims, but still a small group chose to organize their own secret prayer. At the request of the police is that space was emptied and shut down. That was shortly before the attack on the airport on March 22.
Research shows that there would be a list of names of at least 50 radicalized personnel at the airport
That list was drawn up after the attacks, but the secret prayer was discovered before the attacks and shut down. Hmmmm.....Proof of what I've been saying for many years 'Airport staff is the weakest link in airport security. Read the full story here.

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