Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Trudeau airport in Montreal: investigation uncovers Airport staff who support ISIS ideology.

Trudeau airport in Montreal: investigation uncovers Airport staff who support ISIS ideology.(TVanouvelles). [GoogleTranslated].
"I know of (employees) who have arrived in Canada for only two months and are already working around planes or in the luggage room,"
The Montréal-Trudeau airport faces employees who show signs of radicalization, including one who has just been moved away from the runways because of the risks he presents. Here is what our Investigation Bureau and the show "JE", presented tonight, 7:30 pm, to TVA, in the last months.

Four employees had their access to the secured area withdrawn as a precautionary measure. At least three of these individuals (two still working at the airport) display a profile that worries the police.

Some have visited pro-Islamic (Daesh) websites, broadcast propaganda on social networks, consulted an abnormal amount of documents dealing with weapons or explosives.

Of the four security clearances that were withdrawn, one was issued after an airport employee with access to the secure area suggested similar bombing attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015.

Two other cards were confiscated because workers had psychiatric problems that put the safety of airport operations at risk.

"Concerning" It is the Montreal police who provide armed security at the airport. Six officers are on site at all times, but only three are available to patrol the entire terminal and they do not have a long weapon. In practice, it is often two agents that are mobile.

For the assistant director of the SPVM, Patrick Lalonde, one of the leaders of the fight against terrorism in Quebec, this information is "worrying". "The SPVM and its partners work every day to evaluate the threat and to counter it," he said.

Marcel Savard, formerly in charge of counter-terrorism at the Sûreté du Québec, was also worried about the situation. "What worries me," he said, "is the strategic position that these people occupy."

"We have a concern for all types of threats, radicalization is one of them," notes Pierre-Paul Pharand, vice-president of airport infrastructures at Aéroports de Montréal (ADM), in a report that will be presented tonight On the TVA waves.

This former soldier watches over the safety of the 16 million passengers who pass through the airport each year. He argues that his organization takes the situation seriously. "Whenever there are issues related to radicalization," he says, "we are acting with our partners"

"I know of (employees) who have arrived in Canada for only two months and are already working around planes or in the luggage room," said an airport employee who worked with some of these individuals and who Required anonymity.

According to our information, the national security squads have repeatedly addressed the "issue" of Montréal-Trudeau.

If formerly one counted on the good old technique of the physical spinning, the ways of doing are refined: the spinning is today digital. It is this new technology that has been used by our Investigative Office over the last eight months to identify individuals at risk.

"We need to look at the precise digital footprint of these individuals. It will allow us to know to what extent the individual is increasing and represents a risk, "explains Marcel Savard.

Our team targeted two ADM employees who presented disturbing profiles. A first employee occupied a strategic position giving him direct access to the runways and planes parked around the terminal building.

The police investigation showed that he regularly consulted pro-Daesh websites that tout the rise of the terrorist organization. By carrying out further research, investigators even discovered that he had acquired an impressive amount of books and documentation on military-caliber assault weapons. The authorities transferred the individual to another post, away from the runways, aircraft and outside the secure area.

Identified by the team of "JE", the second employee is native of Algeria. A few months ago, he was still living in the Montreal area. He has broadcast a Daesh propaganda video on his Facebook page. There are live killings being committed in the city of Mosul and passers-by being pulled off by members of the Islamic state.

The individual seems to support the ideas of the Muslim Brotherhood, an extremist organization that the experts consider to be the source of Islamic terrorism. Our research shows that the suspect supports the regime of the former president of Egypt, Islamist Mohamed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and driven out of power by the popular revolt in the summer of 2013.

The man appears to have left Canada for a few months, but appears to have links with employees of Aéroports de Montréal who have access to secure areas. Hmmm....As i said for years 'Airport staff is the weakest link in security' . More here.
The show "JE" will be presented tonight at 19:30 on TVA.

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