Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Sweden - Islamic 'morality police' in Stockholm forcing girls to the back of school bus.

Sweden - Islamic 'morality police' in Stockholm forcing girls to the back of school bus.(Niewstpo).[Google translated].

Women attacked during Ramadan for too "short skirts" and drinking wine.

In the northern parts of Stockholm iis not to well with the freedom of girls and women. They are being harassed on the streets by boys and men physically attacked for wearing 'too short' skirts, walk their dog or simply because they are single. Further down the ladies must be seated separate in some cafes and girls should sit back school buses as the front space is reserved for boys.

The report on these conditions will be broadcast tonight on the program "Cold Facts" from TV4, writes Aftonbladet. According to TV4, which worked with hidden cameras,there is a self-appointed morality police. Which ensures that in the north of the Swedish capital "schoolgirls remain encapsulated in a culture consisting of honor, insults and gossip," the transmitter.

In the images shown include how students of the Islamic Al Azhar school in the morning and afternoon are separated on the bus. The rector of the educational institution will not respond to the secret recordings. Devin Rexvid, a researcher who works for the University of Umea, compares the situation to racial segregation in the US in the 50s.

One of the women interviewed recounts how she was once approached by neighbors because she drank wine on her balcony. "At one point, a group of young men met outside my house. They shouted threats and climbed up the drainpipe towards my balcony. "

Another woman, who is a former refugee, TV4 tells how she was harassed during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, when she wore a short skirt. "People threatened me and threw stones at me. One shattered the window of my kitchen. I fled to Sweden from a country where women were oppressed, "according to the the victim," but now I'm here in an area which is very similar to my homeland. "

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