Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fethullah Gulen’s Movement to be featured on 60 Minutes; San Diego Mayoral candidate beholden to Gulenists?

Fethullah Gulen’s Movement to be featured on 60 Minutes; San Diego Mayoral candidate beholden to Gulenists?(Shoebat).This is essentially a two-part post having to do with separate developments relative to Turkish Imam Fethullah Gulen.
First, set your DVR for this week’s installment of 60 Minutes as Leslie Stahl will be doing a feature on Gulen.
Via Donna Garner at Education News:
I do not know whether this Sunday’s 60 Minutes TV show with Lesley Stahl will contain honest reporting on the Turkish-Gulen Charter Schools or not, but hopefully it will. One thing that gives me hope is that the Gulenists are worried; this tells me that their usual propaganda techniques and obfuscation may not have worked with 60 Minutes.
Dr. Soner Tarim is the ONLY superintendent of the huge network of 36 Turkish-Gulen-Cosmos Foundation-Harmony Schools in Texas. These charter schools in Texas are supported with our tax dollars. Dr. Tarim sent out an e-mail blast to his supporters warning them about this 60 Minutes show and telling them that he refused to be interviewed for it.
Taxpayers should be very suspicious that Dr. Tarim has refused to make himself accessible to the press. Neither does Dr. Soner Tarim make himself accessible to the parents of the children in these schools.
I have had a number of parents write to me complaining that they have tried to contact their child’s school superintendent (Dr. Tarim) and could not get through to him.
This story very well could lead to legitimate questions being posed to current Democratic Congressman Bob Filner, who is currently running for Mayor of San Diego; he appears to have a disturbingly cozy relationship with the Gulenists and is to some degree beholden to them.Hmmmm......Gulen......Erdogan......Obama......Democrats.Obama Blames “Founding Fathers” For Making It Difficult For Him To “Bring Change”But..."I will keep plotting".Read and see (Video) the full story here.


  1. Thank you for reporting on a dangerous issue in America---Stealth Jihad. The Gulenists are particularly dangerous because of their "working into the arteries" of the system as their Hocaefendi directs them. In Turkey they have infiltrated: the media, education, politics, judiciary system, police, banking and now the military. They are trying the same model in the USA.
    There is hope, several of their schools (93 to date) have been denied their application, renewals and expansion- some of these are: Truebright Science Academy, Fulton Science Academy, Knoxville Charter Academy, Mokapu STEM School, Lotus School of Excellence, Abramson Science and Technology school...

    1. I agree with what you say here, especially the "working into the arteries" i couldn't put it better.
      it's like a disease slowly spreading through the corps settling in every cell slowly and thoroughly.
      they are more dangerous than the islamic terrorst or suicide bomber, their inflicted damage is more widespread and deeper in to the core of the US society.


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