Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ralph Schoenman: "US demonizes Islam to sell weaponry to world."

Ralph Schoenman: "US demonizes Islam to sell weaponry to world."(Ptv).The US has embarked on inciting Islamophobia as its post-Soviet agenda, in an attempt to create a global market for its arms production, an American political analyst tells Press TV. In a Friday interview, Ralph Schoenman, an author and commentator, argued, “With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the entire rationale for the hundreds of billions of dollars that are allocated to the Pentagon and to the military, which is the largest factor in the entire capitalist economy, had been removed.” “US imperialism, which is the primary sponsor of the Israeli state, incorporated that notion of the necessity to demonize Islam and to create a rationale for permanent war in the region, and adapted it as the whole rationale for US capitalism and imperialism itself in its military projects,” the analyst pointed out. “It's the entire … rationale for imperialism; for perpetual war on the peoples of the region; to seize their oil; to destroy their sovereignty; to break up the nations into ethnic and religious components,” Schoenman added. The comments come on the heels of new media revelations that the US military has been offering a course which teaches that its enemy is Islam in general, suggesting a Hiroshima-type massacre to obliterate the Islamic holy cities of Mecca and Medina in what can be seen as another instance of promoting Islamophobia in the United States. The course, titled “Perspectives on Islam and Islamic Radicalism,” has been offered five times a year since 2004, with about 20 students each time, meaning roughly 800 students have taken the course over the years before it was removed in late April after protests. This is not the first such incident as only last year the FBI was forced to discontinue a lecture that was hostile to Islam. The instructor of the course had told agent trainees in Virginia that the more devout a Muslim is, the more likely he is to be violent.Read the full story here.

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