Monday, May 14, 2012

Video - Syria - UN Observers Smuggling Terrorists in their Vehicles to Gather Intel about the Syrian Army.

A video leaked to the pro-Assad Truth Syria You Tube channel purports to show an anti-regime rebel being transported by UN observers in trucks bearing the distinctive UN text. According to the transcript accompanying the video, the “terrorist” traveling in the vehicle is allowed to conduct reconnaissance on where government checkpoints are located for the purpose of planning future attacks. At the end of the clip, the men in the UN vehicle break out in a spontaneous chant of “Allahu Akbar,” a phrase widely associated with fundamentalist Muslims who are engaged in jihad. The fact that rebels are being transported by UN observers who are supposed to remain impartial is obviously a sign that the UN mission represents little more than a furtherance of the effort to destabilize Assad’s government.

Is it any surprise that Syrian “opposition” forces are now also rallying around the Al-Qaeda flag just as they did in Libya given that Hillary Clinton admitted in a BBC News interview that the US and Al-Qaeda were on the same side in Syria?

This video shows Syrian “activists” flying the Al-Qaeda flag during an anti-Assad protest in the northern Syrian town of Binnish.

In another clip, armed Syrian rebels address the camera standing behind a table draped with the black Al-Qaeda flag.

1 comment:

  1. I love the last bit where the comment says, "they are wailing now!", as the "wahhabi sewer rats" start chanting!! LOL!! Interesting that the Assad Syrians are not really religious!


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