Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Obama's closest Islamic adviser, Dalia Mogahed met yesterday with 'Muslim Brotherhood' President Morsi.

Obama's closest Islamic adviser, Dalia Mogahed met yesterday with 'Muslim Brotherhood' President Morsi.(GlocalNet).By Bob Roberts.The Egyptian President cancelled meetings with 4 other heads of state just to be able to talk about faith, government, and global affairs with faith leaders. John Esposito, who invited me, chaired the group of about 17. President Morsi started off with a drafted statement to the group. There was nothing in it that anyone would disagree with - it was generic, measured, and politically correct for the context. He said what was being reported and what was reality was often not the same for the people who are living within it. He talked about being the President for all Egyptians for freedom, open society, tolerance and cooperation. Then came the questions and comments. Dalia Mogahed, American Egyptian, a Gallup researcher asked questions on what pluralism means for Egyptians and what has changed with him since being a candidate and activist and Doctor to now being the President. Questions were asked about youth unemployment, women, the global perception of Islam, etc., what you would expect. I wasn’t in a hurry to speak, being the only evangelical in the room, but when it was time, I did. Here is what I said.
President Morsi, I’m Bob Roberts, an evangelical pastor from Texas. I want you to know that I pray for you, and have prayed for you when I see you on the news, that God will give you wisdom and insight into leading Egypt in this time. Many people in America and in my tribe in particular have fears and concerns about Muslims and the Muslim Brotherhood. Most know neither. You may think, as evangelicals, we all think alike, but we don’t. I come from very conservative roots - to us a Salifist would be liberal!
He died laughing and started pointing to someone saying something in Arabic. Mr. President, you should know some of us supported the Mosque being built in New York, not because we are Muslims, we are Christians and I want the whole world to know Jesus, but because of religious freedom. What we do here affects what we do there. You should know that many of us denounced the movie that recently has caused the uproar. You should know that as an evangelical I support Israel and always will, but I also support the two state solution, just as the Rabbi who just spoke of the two state solution, and I equally support the Palestinian people.  He interrupted me, “Are you serious?” Yes sir, I am. “I have never heard this about evangelicals - this is new to me.” 
I told him he could not change the perception of Islam (this is something he brought up, that he wanted to change the perception of Islam in the West) in America and I cannot change the perception of evangelicals in Islam - but we can speak to our own tribes and be bridges between each other to work together. As we come to know one another, not on the news, but as friends, it changes everything. Sayid Syeed, one of the founders of ISNA was there - I told the President getting to know men like him changes people. We must challenge our own tribes.Someone asked a question and President Morsi relied, “Egypt is not an Islamic state it is a civil state. He said 4 words characterized all they were trying to do: democratic, civil, constitutional, rule of law. Keep in mind the Egyptian press and media were in the meeting which was incredible, him being a Muslim Brotherhood, but saying this.Hmmmm.......The force of 'Al-taqiyya' is great with Obama.Read the full story here.

1 comment:

  1. Yes he DID.... make it possible for the Muslims to form their 'semi' union.. Soon to be the new one world order. :( He has to be closer to them, than we thought!


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