Friday, January 18, 2013

Palestinian Ambassador: ‘There Is No Two-State Solution’

Palestinian Ambassador: ‘There Is No Two-State Solution’.(NR).Last night, the Palestinian ambassador to the United Kingdom, Manuel Hassassian, spoke in Parliament at the invitation of MP Jeremy Corbyn. Mr. Hassassian, according to blogger Richard Millett, claimed that Israel, as we know it, should cease to exist:
There is no two state solution. Democracies don’t fight each other. If Israel is a democracy I would claim that the Palestinians are also a democracy. If democracies cannot fight each other then why not have one state? One man, one vote. Israel will never continue to exist as a pariah state. Israel could never continue to fight wars against the Palestinians, against the Arabs and the Muslims. The United States is not going to be Israel’s strategic ally for time immemorial. And today we have 1.5 billion Muslims. In 20 years we will have 2 billion. And those 2 billion, forget about politics, from a religious perspective will not allow Israel to continue desecrating their religious rights [in Jerusalem]. And then what?
This is the representative of the Palestinian Authority, which is supposed to be Israel’s partner for peace. Seems like it will be difficult in the future to negotiate a two-state solution when one side would prefer that the other simply vanish.
Hmmmm.......Soon 'they' (Iran) might come up with their version of 'The Final Solution (German: Die Endlösung)?Read the full story here.

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