Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Obama's BFF Erdogan takes Father of Mavi Marmara victim as member of his delegation to US

Obama's BFF Erdogan takes Father of Mavi Marmara victim as member of his delegation to US.(HD).
The father of a victim of the deadly Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla in 2010 is accompanying Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on his US visit that kicked off on May 15.
Ahmet Doğan, whose son Furkan was among the nine killed during the operation, told Anatolia news agency that he was hoping to meet President Barack Obama and give him information about the ongoing trials of the Israeli soldiers that participated in the raid.
Doğan said that he had written a letter to Obama requesting a meeting but Erdoğan had asked him to join the delegation.
“I met with [Erdoğan] in Ankara before his departure to Washington. He said that he could give the letter to the U.S. President but that it would be better if I gave it him in person. So he asked me to join the delegation,” Doğan said, adding that he wanted to talk about the progress of the trials in the United States. “I intend to give him information on the latest developments regarding the trials and talk about Furkan’s situation if I can meet him in person,” he said. Hmmmm......Apology? What for and Why? Israeli PM Netanyahu should never had apologized for defending his borders. ICC opens initial probe into Israel’s 2010 Mavi Marmara Gaza flotilla raid. Read the full story here.

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