Friday, May 24, 2013

Video - PA TV calls to raise Palestinian flags over all Israeli cities and villages “so it will be clear to everyone that this is Palestine”

PA TV calls to raise Palestinian flags over all Israeli cities and villages “so it will be clear to everyone that this is Palestine”.HT: Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik.

PA continues in word and with visual maps to deny Israel’s existence.

On the anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel, referred to by the PA and Palestinians as the Nakba – “the catastrophe,” official PA TV called to “raise the Palestinian flag at the entrance to every village and town in Palestine to declare that this land is the land of Palestine,” specifying that this should be done in “Jaffa, Nazareth, Haifa, Acre, Lod, and Ramle,” – all of which are Israeli cities.
We’ll raise the flag from lamp posts, on rooftops, at city squares, at crossroads and on traffic lights. Most important is that it be raised at the entrance to the city so that it will be clear to everyone that this is Palestine.”

Palestinian Media Watch has documented that the PA and Fatah policy is to deny Israel’s existence and right to exist. Accordingly, in connection with their many Nakba events, PA TV and newspaper published many maps of “Palestine” that erase Israel and replace it with “Palestine.”

PA TV twice broadcast a video between TV programs that showed “Palestine” covering all of Israel. In the video, black, red, white and green strings, the colors of many Muslim countries’ flags are joined as the borders of the Arab/Muslim countries in the Middle East, stitching the countries together. As stated “Palestine” includes all of Israel.

Text on screen says:
“Palestine unites us. May 15 is the day of return.”
The video also carries a logo saying: “The Return. The Global Campaign to Return to Palestine.Read and see the full story here.

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