Saturday, December 28, 2013

Iranian Pres Rouhani Orders Investigation of Sanctions Profiteers in Iran.

Iranian Pres Rouhani Orders Investigation of Sanctions Profiteers in Iran.HT: UskowiOnIran.

In a letter to Vice President Esshaq Jahangiri, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has ordered an immediate investigation by government agencies for identifying and punishing sanctions profiteers.

To take the country’s economy out of recession and create an economic boom, it is vital to ensure transparent and secure environment for economic activities. It is necessary to take immediate measures to identify and punish those who by taking advantage of special (anti-sanctions) concessions and privileges that have been granted them to enrich themselves through corruption and illegitimate income,” wrote Rouhani in his letter. (Mehr News Agency, 28 December)

Cases of abuse, especially regarding the sanctions, should be prioritized, and a report should be presented within a month,” Rouhani added in his letter.

To defy sanctions, the Iranian government had devised schemes to receive payments for its oil and gas exports. It allowed “private” companies, usually fronts for IRGC and the Quds Force, to sell as much as 20% of oil exports in black market. The experience, however, created “sanctions brokers,” like the notorious Babak Zanjani, to misuse their government-backed access to illicit money transfers to amass personal fortunes in shortest time. Zanjani, who entered the oil “business” in 2012, after the sanctions were imposed, boasted to reporters that he was now worth $10 billion.

Another case was the now-infamous “gas-for-gold” scheme, where Iran sent gas and oil to Turkey in return for gold bullions. The Iranian sanctions broker involved in that scheme, Reza Zarrab, was arrested in Istanbul last week and claimed that Babak Zanjani was his ‘boss” and contact in Tehran. The case has now directly involved Iran in the growing government corruption scandal in Turkey.Hmmm.......Someone trying to get Ahmadinejad?The IRGC won't take that so easy.

For an account of  Turkey's "Sanctions that Benefit" and Zanjani and Zarrab operations see the following post and links.

"Sanctions That Benefit" - Growing Corruption Scandal in Turkey Involves Iran – ‘Gas for Gold’ 

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