Saturday, December 28, 2013

"Sanctions that Benefit" - Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Denies Zanjani Has Returned Oil Money.

Zarrab reportedly tells the Turkish prosecutors that his “boss” and contact in Tehran was Babak Zanjani, the controversial Iranian businessman and head of the Sorinet Group business conglomerate

"Sanctions that Benefit" - Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Denies Zanjani Has Returned Oil Money.HT: UskowiOnIran.

The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) announced today that Babak Zanjani, the notorious “sanctions broker” involved in the “private” sale of Iranian crude oil in the black market, has not returned any of the sales proceeds to the oil ministry’s account at CBI, Fars News Agency reported today. 

The central bank had said Zanjani owes the oil ministry billions of dollars. Zanjani had told reporters last week that he has repaid all that he owed.

The semi-official Fars News Agency reported today that a document presented by Zanjani to an investigating committee of Majlis showing that he had deposited funds at CBI was “forged.” The bogus document reportedly showed the funds were transferred to CBI through the central bank of Tajikistan. (Fars News Agency, 28 December)

Zanjani had become a successful “sanctions broker,” or what President Rouhani today called “sanctions profiteer.” He is the owner of a private company that had received huge allotment of Iranian crude oil to sell in the black market for cash. His company is believed to have close ties with the IRGC, who had received the original export permit from the oil ministry.

Rouhani today ordered an immediate investigation into sanctions profiteering. He said those who have taken advantage of special (anti-sanctions) concessions and privileges to enrich themselves would be identified and punished.

Zanjani has also been implicated in “gas-for-gold” scheme in Turkey. Reza Zarrab, the Iranian sanctions broker who was arrested in Istanbul last week, has told Turkish authorities that Zanjani was his “boss” and contact in Tehran. Hmmm....As i said many times before all this happened because the Obama 'Admin' 'Allowed' it to happen.


Iranian billionaire businessman, Zanjani claims his business is legal, denies involvement in Turkey corruption scandal.

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