Wednesday, November 5, 2014

You got to be kidding! - Ukrainian authorities are planning to do without Russian gas in winter.

You got to be kidding! - Ukrainian authorities are planning to do without Russian gas in winter. (RT) [Googletranslate].

Ukraine does not need gas from Russia will buy it in the winter depending on the weather and hopes to do without him.

This was announced by Energy Minister Yuriy Prodan, reports RIA Novosti.

Update: KIEV, November 5 (RIA Novosti) – Ukraine's Naftogaz will purchase gas from Russia's Gazprom only if needed as European companies will continue to be the main suppliers of fuel through the winter, Naftogaz's press service reported Wednesday.

"The conditions of the agreement allow us to purchase Russian gas to balance the system during peak consumption. For example, we see that Ukrainian consumers are using more gas than all of our other resources can provide [Ukraine's own extractions, EU imports, underground storage facilities] and we need additional gas. Then we will use our right to purchase gas from Gazprom. European companies will remain the main deliverer of import gas to Ukraine," the press service quoted Naftogaz CEO Andriy Kobolev as saying.

 Hmmm....Okay, Ukraine will start stealing gas designated for Europe and all Hell will break loose i warned for months. And they predict a very cold Winter .

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