Sunday, December 21, 2014

Iran: "Canada has the largest record of human rights violations."

Iran: "Canada has the largest record of human rights violations." (Fars).

The University Students Center of Iran's Human Rights Center condemned the recent approval of a UN human rights resolution against Iran, and called on the UN chief to increase his knowledge of the human rights situation in Iran.

The center wrote a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon after the UN General Assembly approved a resolution criticizing the human rights situation in Iran.

"We ask for your further attention and study about the human rights regulations in Iran and also Iran's cultural and social conditions in a bid to avoid the approval of such oppressive and inexpert resolutions in the future," the Iranian university students center said in the letter to the UN secretary general.

What is ridiculous about the UN resolution is that Ottawa that has sponsored the resolution has the largest record of human rights violations, the letter said, added, "Canada has always been the main supporter of the Zionist regime and it has conducted widespread and brutal crimes against the defenseless and oppressed Palestinian nation."

"There is no need to remind you (UN chief) that when the fully-armed Zionist regime was killing thousands of Palestinian women and children in the Gaza Strip and their human rights were being trampled upon in the most tragic and most systematic manner, the Canadian government was imprudently supporting the Zionist regime," it continued.

The letter noted that Canada is regarded as one of the most important violators of human rights both for the positions it has taken and for its actions, and reminded, "You surely remember the violation of the (human) rights of the native Indians in Canada…"

Canada has had a very bad track record of human rights and when it comes to the treatment of natives, most of the native Canadians suffer poor educational, economic and social conditions, and are among the poorest members of the Canadian society.

On December 21, 2012, the natives started demonstrations in Ottawa and several other cities to call for the protection of their rights. First Nations leaders denounced the policies of the Canadian government vis-à-vis the natives as oppressive.

Reports from Canada said that the natives underlined their intention to continue protests until the full restoration of their rights. Hmmmm......Canada wiped out the Dinosaurs as PETA.

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