Sunday, December 21, 2014

2,72 Billion Dollars used by Erdoğan from 'discretionary funds’

2,72 Billion Dollars used by Erdoğan from 'discretionary funds’ (Bugun).

TL 6.3 billion was used by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan during his term as the prime minister from the state’s discretionary fund, Cumhuriyet daily columnist Çiğdem Toker claimed on Saturday.

Underlining that the principle of the discretionary funds were increased 12 times during Erdoğan’s 11 years as a prime minister, Toker said “In other words, the money Erdoğan used in 11 years is 4 times than the rate of increases of budget income.”

Stating that recent Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu used TL 119 million in November from the discretionary fund, she added “The total amount used from the discretionary funds was TL 263 million in last three months.”

The discretionary fund is a special allocation for the use of the prime minister to finance covert operations with which the state may not be directly involved.

According to the law, it is a crime to reveal how money from the discretionary fund is spent and the prime minister is able to sue anyone who makes the nature of this spending public.

Therefore, it is not possible to know as to where this money was spent, except prime minister and a few select bureaucrats. Hmmm.........'Black Ops' .....Arms trading, .....Benghazi ....Lodging for the Muslim brotherhood .....take your pick.

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