Thursday, June 11, 2015

7,000 Russian and CIS nationals fighting along ISIL side — Syrian Grand Mufti

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7,000 Russian and CIS nationals fighting along ISIL side — Syrian Grand Mufti. (Tass).

Around 70,000 foreign mercenaries are fighting alongside Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization militants in Syria, including 5,000-7,000 people from Russia and CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries, Syria’s Grand Mufti Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun told in an exclusive interview with TASS on Wednesday.
"From around the world, there are around 70,000 [mercenaries] fighting alongside them [Islamic State militants], with 5,000-7,000 people from Russia and CIS countries.
Some of them come with their families, undergo training in Turkey, receive financing from Saudi Arabia and instruction from US and Great Britain," Hassoun, who arrived to Russia to take part in the Islamic World international conference, said.

The religious leader noted that Moscow student Varvara Karaulova, recently detained by the Turkish authorities on the border with Syria and suspected of planning to join IS, is not the first such case.

"People go there with their families. Hundreds and hundreds of families from Tatarstan, Kazakhstan, from other Russian regions and CIS countries go there to join IS," the Grand Mufti said, adding that he talked to some of them.

"Several people turned themselves in. They said they weRead the full story deceived. They were told that they will live in the Islamic caliphate. But they saw that those are just bandits fighting each other to steal more," Hassoun said. Hmmm.....All Islamist roads lead  to 'Sometimes NATO Ally' Turkey. Read the full story here.

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