Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Iran Panel of Experts report is released, two measures, under the Framework for Cooperation not fulfilled.

Iran Panel of Experts report is released, two measures, under the Framework for Cooperation not fulfilled.

While the Islamic Republic of Iran has fulfilled its requirements under the Joint Plan of Action and, except for two measures, under the Framework for Cooperation, as agreed with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has continued certain nuclear activities, including uranium enrichment and some work at Arak.

Among the measures agreed between the Islamic Republic of Iran and IAEA, all but two appear to have been completed.

Those two “practical measures” concern “possible military dimensions” of past activities.

The first relates to allegations of large-scale high explosives experimentation at Parchin. 
The second relates to studies, reported in scientific publications, regarding neutron transport and associated modelling and calculations and their alleged application to compressed materials. 
Continuing discussions between IAEA and the Islamic Republic of Iran have yet to resolve either issue.
The report can be downloaded HERE

Related: Iran: "You know that nuclear triggering technology we worked on....Lets just fugetaboutit, those are bygones."

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