Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Israeli PM: "I am often portrayed as the nuclear party pooper," But Arab neighbors don't trust deal as well.

Israeli PM: "I am often portrayed as the nuclear party pooper," But Arab neighbors don't trust deal as well. (rferl).

Israel's prime minister said June 9 that Arab leaders agree with him that an emerging nuclear deal with Iran won't stop Tehran from getting atomic weapons.

Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks come as Tehran and six world powers work to finalize a deal curbing Iran's nuclear ambitions in exchange for relief from economic sanctions.

"I am often portrayed as the nuclear party pooper," Netanyahu told a conference in Herzliya, Israel.

"But I speak with quite a few of our neighbors, more than you think, and I want to tell you that nobody in this region believes this deal will block Iran's path to the bomb."

"It's worth noting that nobody from this region except Iran is at the negotiating table," he said.

Netanyahu also warned any deal with Iran would spark a nuclear arms race that will see the region "crisscrossed with nuclear trip wires as other states nuclearize" to keep up with Iran.Read the full story here.

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