Sunday, June 7, 2015

'Islamist' Turkey - The Day after the elections - Will Erdogan organize new elections next year as promised?

'Islamist' Turkey - The Day after the elections - Will Erdogan organize new elections next year? (MFS).

Flashback May 01 2015.

Turkish President Erdoğan’s adviser Binali Yıldırım said that if the ruling AK Party doesn't win a majority in Parliament in the upcoming election on June 7, it will simply establish a minority government and hold another general election within a year.
'If AKP doesn’t win upcoming election, it will hold another election.'
“I don’t see much chance of a coalition,” said Yıldırım speaking to reporters on Friday, “Theoretically, even if such an outcome were to happen, the AK Party would just establish a minority government and another election would be held within a year.Hmmm......Something tells me all his 'Buddies' ....The Sultan of Qatar and Obama will come to his rescue.Read the full story here.

Update confirmation of above post!

Turkish ruling AKP official sees minority government, early election.

A senior official from Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) said on Sunday initial parliamentary election results suggested the party may be forced to form a minority government and that an early election could be on the cards.

"We expect a minority government and early election," the senior official told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

With almost 91 percent of ballots counted, the AK Party has won 40.6 percent of the vote.


If the opposition parties fail to form a coalition government within 45 days, Erdoğan has the constitutional power to hold another election. We may then be faced with the danger of the AKP winning that election big by claiming that the opposition parties have proven unable to govern. Source.

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