Sunday, June 14, 2015

Michael Oren: Pres Hussein Obama altered 40-year policy on ’67 lines without consulting Israel.

Michael Oren: Pres Hussein Obama altered 40-year policy on ’67 lines without consulting Israel. (JPost).

President Barack Obama endorsed the Palestinian position on the 1967 lines in 2011 and by so doing altered more than 40 years of American policy without prior consultation with Israel, former ambassador to the US Michael Oren writes in a book to be published later this month.

Oren, in an account of the book that appeared Friday in The New York Jewish Week, wrote that the Prime Minister’s Office was outraged at the move, and instructed him to call congressional leaders.

Israel felt abandoned, I was to say. And that is no way to treat an ally,” he wrote.

According to the Jewish Week report, the book, titled Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israel Divide, is a first-hand account of “mistrust, mistakes and missed opportunities” that Oren saw as ambassador from 2009 to 2013, with “Obama in the role of bully in chief.Hmmm........The first Jewish US pres Evah. Read the full story here.

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