Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ramadan: ISIS Extremists Planning "Month of Conquests".

Ramadan: ISIS Extremists Planning "Month of Conquests". (Vocativ).

Beware Ramadan: ISIS Extremists Planning "Month of Conquests" ISIS extremists are hoping to mark Ramadan, the Muslim holy month, with a “month of conquests” coinciding with the first anniversary of the jihadist organization declaring its caliphate, according to chatter on Islamic State forums.

Ramadan begins next week and, while the 30 days that follow are meant for prayer and fasting by the world’s Muslim population, ISIS has a history in recent years of using the occasion to launch major conquests and declarations.

Many people are preparing tons of food to break the feast of Ramadan. ISIS is preparing tons of arms to conquer Baghdad and other cities,” declared an ISIS affiliated account on Twitter.

“In a few days we will mark a year since the declaration of the Caliphate. Oh God, make it easy for ISIS soldiers to conquer Baghdad,” another extremist prayed. Read the full story here.

Hmmm......As pres Hussein Obama says:
"The blessed month of Ramadan. A time for self-reflection and devotion through prayer and fasting, Ramadan is also an occasion when Muslims around the world reaffirm their commitment to helping the less fortunate, including those struggling because of economic hardship and inequality. 
Ramadan also reminds us of our shared responsibility to treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves and the basic principles that bind people of different faiths together: a yearning for peace, justice, and equality. At a moment when too many people around the world continue to suffer from senseless conflict and violence, this sacred time reminds us of our common obligations to pursue justice and peace and to uphold the dignity of every human being.

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