Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Video - Fatah Official Abbas Zaki: 'The U.S. Created ISIS, But Cannot Control It'

Video - Fatah Official Abbas Zaki: 'The U.S. Created ISIS, But Cannot Control It'. HT: Memri.

In an interview with Syrian News TV, Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki said: "The U.S. is destroying itself by its own hand." "The U.S. created ISIS, but cannot control it," he said. The interview aired on June 2, 2015.

Following are excerpts:

Abbas Zaki: Our reality is painful. What is happening now is beyond reason or logic. It is as if this region is destined to follow the destructive path that Israel has chosen for the countries of the region, as well as the "constructive anarchy" initiated by the U.S., which was, in fact, "destructive anarchy." It has embroiled each and every country in [domestic] problems, as well as in problems with other countries.


What is happening in the region is very strange, and nobody understands it. This was caused when the American administration failed on several fronts, and allowed things to deteriorate into this internal "suicide," while making sure that no red lines are crossed.

Interviewer: You talked about the "failure" of the U.S. administration. Is it really a failure, or is it a success?

Abbas Zaki: No, it's a failure. The U.S. is destroying itself by its own hand.

Interviewer: How?

Abbas Zaki: For example, they created ISIS, but cannot control it. Some countries that used to be American allies are now looking for a savior, because they realized that the administration cannot help them or make any agreement with them.

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