Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Femicide and Violence against women in 'Islamist' Turkey increases both in number and brutality.

Number of women murdered in Turkey in 2015 on 12 December (Source).

Femicide and Violence against women in 'Islamist' Turkey increases both in number and brutality. (HD).

What we call femicide is actually murder of women who revolt against abuse and push for independence,” says the We Will Stop Femicides Platform (WSF). But their husbands and male family members respond to this new-found independence with more violence, while protection mechanisms fail to protect the victims.

In Turkey, the number of women who are subjected to violence and murder has increased, but so has the brutality of the violence, according to an Izmir-based jurist.

Nuriye Kadan, who heads Izmir Bar Association’s Women’s Rights and Legal Support Office, says that the last decade has not only seen the increase in the numbers of women subject to violence, but that the violence itself has become more intense and barbaric, “bordering on torture.”

“A woman who came to us for legal protection last year had been stabbed 42 times by her husband,” Kadan told Hurriyet Daily News (HDN) on Nov. 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. “These women are not just killed; they are mutilated and subjected to additional violence before and after the murder. The dose of violence borders on torture. The so-called third page news on women’s murders include attempts to burn the body, cut it into pieces or decapitation.

We have lost 294 women in murders only last year. That’s the number found through our press monitoring. The state does not share all the data. Our focus is to make sure that there is no penalty reduction for good behavior and that ‘passionate crime’ reasoning is not used for those who carried out female homicides,” Kural said at a TEDx event in Izmir.

“What we want ultimately is an article in the criminal code that prevents anything but maximum penalty for the perpetrators of femicides, with no pardons. We have submitted a bill to parliament and we remind each Family and Social Affairs Minister of this goal.” Hmmmm......With the rise of a certain party the number of Women murders rose as well. (See below). Keep Turkey OUT OF the EU! Read the full story here.

Related: COUNTING DIGITAL MONUMENT FOR WOMEN WHO DIED because of violence in 'Islamist' Turkey

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