Wednesday, December 16, 2015

How many more Syrian refugees will EU be forced to accept from Turkey?

How many more Syrian refugees will EU be forced to accept from Turkey? (HD).

As part of the deal reached on Nov 29, two parties will further increase the frequency of political dialogue and in this context Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu will travel to Brussels on Dec. 17 to meet eight EU countries at a mini summit. This meeting, which will bring Turkey, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Finland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Greece as well as the EU Commission, will further discuss ways to stem the flow of Syrian and Iraqi refugees from Turkey via Greece to Europe.

The EU, will provide immediate and continuous humanitarian assistance and will significantly expand its overall financial support. An initial 3 billion euros will be provided through adequate sources to Turkey in its spending for Syrian refugees.

However, another aspect of this understanding requires the acceptance of a certain number of Syrian refugees by EU countries. This is still a vivid and controversial issue within the EU as many Eastern European countries are not happy with the idea of imposing compulsory quotas.

Turkey obviously expects to hear concrete commitments from these eight countries and the number of refugees they will accept in a certain time frame. However, there are no strong signs that these eight countries will be able to announce any numbers at this meeting in Brussels.

The expectation in Ankara is to hear substantial numbers, if not during this meeting, then at upcoming ones. Hmmmm........The Islamization of EU[rabia] has begun. Read the full story here.

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