Monday, December 7, 2015

Iraq: ISIS smuggles majority of oil via 'Sometimes NATO Ally' Turkey.

Iraq: ISIS smuggles majority of oil via 'Sometimes NATO Ally' Turkey. (AA).

Iraq’s premier Haider al-Abadi said Monday that most of the oil smuggled by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group goes through Turkey, joining a chorus of countries linking it with the militants’ financing.

During a meeting with Germany’s visiting foreign minister, Abadi stressed the “importance of stopping oil smuggling by [ISIS] terrorist gangs, the majority of which is smuggled via Turkey,” a statement from his office said.

It is the latest in a series of accusations linking Turkey and oil smuggling by IS, which overran large parts of Iraq last year and also holds major territory in neighboring Syria.

A senior Turkish official said on Monday that Turkish warplanes have taken part in air operations by United States-led coalition forces but have not bombed Islamic State targets in Syria since Nov. 24, when Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet.

Russia accused Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family of involvement in the IS oil trade, to which he responded that Russia was in fact involved. Hmmmm.....How much longer will Obama cover his BFF Erdogan? Read the full story here.

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