Tuesday, May 31, 2016

'Birth Jihad' - 'We will multiply our descendants' Erdogan says NO Muslim should use birth control.

'Birth Jihad' - 'We will multiply our descendants' Erdogan says NO Muslim should use birth control.(Express).

In a stunning speech broadcast live on television, Mr Erdogan also said women cannot be treated as equal to men.

The devout Muslim said women should have at least three children.

He said: "We will multiply our descendants. They talk about population planning, birth control. No Muslim family can have such an approach."Nobody can interfere in God's work. The first duty here belongs to mothers.

In the speech in Istanbul yesterday the Turkish president told women, particularly “well-educated future mothers”, to not use birth control and to ensure the continued growth of Turkey’s population.

The 62-year-old, himself a father-of-four, has previously spoken out against contraception, describing it as “treason” which risked causing the while generation to “dry up”.

Women’s groups and opposition politicians have criticised the Turkish president for telling women how many children to have and dismissing the Western idea of gender equality.

The Platform to Stop Violence Against Women condemned Mr Erdogan’s comments as violating the rights of women.

A statement on Twitter said: "You (Erdogan) cannot usurp our right to contraception, nor our other rights with your declarations that come out of the Middle Ages."We will protect our rights.” Hmmm.....Reminds me of the movie 'braveheart' English king Longshanks says 'If we can't kill them, we'll breed them out'. Read the full story here.

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